Secrets gemstone Top

Secrets gemstone Top

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Paraiba tourmaline is a rare copper-bearing gem with a vivid neon blue color. First found in Brazil in 1989, similar material has since been found in Africa.

Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass. In some stones, the inclusion of white crystals of cristobalite produce a blotchy pattern, known as snowflake obsidian.

In many ancient cultures, gemstones are considered to contain magical energy and there is a long history of people using them to heal both physical and mental illnesses.

Jewelers don’t just like them because they’re expensive, either. It’s the fact that they’re one of the few stones that can withstand the heat of a torch without cracking or discoloring.

It can transmute negative or stagnate energies into positive energy like a sunny day lifts the spirits. In this way it can be protective, letting you carry around a bubble of sunshine wherever you go.

Epidote is actually a group of closely related minerals, but in the gem trade, the name typically refers only to the gem-quality green variety of the mineral epidote. Epidote occurs in all shades and tones of green, with yellowish-green or pistachio color being most typical and most desirable.

Azurite is an intense blue gem that gets its bright azure blue color from copper, and is related to malachite, which is also a copper carbonate mineral.

Orthoclase is a transparent yellow feldspar resembling citrine quartz or yellow beryl, found primarily in Madagascar.

Onyx focuses and directs your energy toward your goals, helping you stay the course. It can help you rebuild your vitality after a prolonged illness or period of depletion, and is useful for work that requires disciplined focus and perseverance.

Green aventurine is known as the “Lucky Talisman” or “Stone of Opportunity” for its good luck properties. Its deeper purpose is help you onyx western release old habits and patterns so you are ready for new opportunities and growth and can move forward with confidence.

Smoky quartz is fast becoming a designer favorite for its earthy tone and tribal look. It is one of the few gemstones that is gray or brown.

Precious coral is a species of coral that grows in rocky seabottoms. Coral exhibits a range of warm reddish-pink colors ranging from salmon pink to deep-red.

Labradorite awakens psychic abilities such as telepathy and prophecy. It facilitates self-mastery and awareness of multiple layers of reality at the same time; thus it is a good stone for shamanic work.

With such a wide range of different stones held under one banner, it’d be foolish to underestimate the popularity of these stones.

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